16 Aug, 2024

August 16, 2024 ✨ Blog generation wizard is upgraded

QuickCreator's Article Generation Wizard has been significantly upgraded, bringing you a more convenient and intelligent writing experience!

Step one

  1. Retrieve Top Pages: Added a "Retrieve Top Pages" feature, allowing users to choose the number of search result pages to retrieve, providing a more comprehensive keyword-driven content analysis.
  2. Direct Article Generation: Users can now generate articles directly at any step in the process, offering flexibility and efficiency.
  3. Tips for Each Step: Tips and guidance have been added for each step in the writing process, effectively guiding users through the entire process.

Optimization of generation process prompts

Clearer progress prompts have been incorporated throughout the process to make it easier for users to understand the steps involved.

Discover Ideas

  1. Analyze Search Intent: The "Discover Ideas" section has been improved to analyze search intent and generate more relevant blog ideas based on user search data.
  2. Reference Source Display: Top SERP search results are now displayed to provide users with a convenient reference for their content creation.
  3. Mark Idea Type: Idea type tags have been added for each idea, allowing users to quickly find the most suitable writing direction. There are two types: a) Informational: Users seek answers to specific questions. b) Commercial Investigational: Users want to research brands or services.

Recommend Outline

  1. Outline Management: Added the ability to copy and import outlines, allowing users to easily reuse or modify existing structures for their articles.
  2. Outline Interface Optimization: Improved the design and navigation of the outline editor for a clearer and more intuitive experience. This update makes it easier for users to visualize and manipulate the structure of their articles.
  3. Expand and Collapse Outline: Users can flexibly expand or collapse H2 paragraphs, allowing them to focus on editing the current paragraph.
  4. Hide Introduction or Conclusion: Users can choose to hide the introduction or conclusion sections of the article outline based on their needs.

Experience the new and improved QuickCreator Article Generation Wizard and embark on a more efficient and intelligent writing journey!